Jacques Louis David - Art Prints - the thumbnail images

[David Prints - Consecration of Emperor Napoleon and Coronation of Empress Josephine] Consecration of Emperor Napoleon and Coronation of Empress Josephine
[David Prints - Death of Marat] Death of Marat
[Jacques Louis David Prints - Death of Socrates] Death of Socrates
[Jacques-Louis David Prints - Madame Recamier] Madame Recamier
[David Art Prints - Napoleon Crossing The Alps] Napoleon Crossing The Alps
[David Prints - Oath Of The Horatii] Oath Of The Horatii
[David Prints - The Sabine Women] Sabine Women
[David Prints - Sappho and Phaon] Sappho and Phaon

David images @ Fine Art Prints on Demand
David Prints @ Allposters