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[Photo of Penzance, Penwith, Cornwall - The Harbour] So, Cornwall, October...

1) something to do with woods he said, bluebells etc, birdsong etc - i to penzance by mistake - 2) - no we don't sell celebrity posters - 3) - go away! we're giclee here! - 4) - and rembrandt dead, so it's red wine and black hats, a bit of palestrina, a boogie to bach and bed - 5) - enough i cry, and sigh, and the seagulls squawk - 6) - enough - and tennyson dead - 7) - i dunno, do i care? that canaletto got born today? - 8) - oh dear, they've only gone and caught che guevara - 9) - feck, they've only gone and killed him - 10) - i'm keeping my head down, them cia dudes are everywhere these days - 11) - dreams of diane in a blue dress, dreams of diane slipping out of blisstouch underwear... i wake too suddenly, too soon - 12) - damn and blast these waking hours, these things to do, that time to lose - 13) - and the evening, ethereal as it were, as it is, with everlastingness - 14) - still as silence on silken thighs, gazed with wonder, trembling to speak, awe-dumbed by beauty, beachways by the sea... - 15) - the waves all babblings and bilge, the swish and wish and whoosh of it all, the likewise i - 16) - like spindrift in a photograph... and the thought, is it possible to be ante-clockwise otherwise than unawares? - 17) - fish fingers for tea, peanuts and cider after, the tv crap all night but that the latest orange ad quite the lovely thing - and chopin dead - 18) - i dunno, shall i hang the rembrandt by the turner? the vermeer by the cezanne? - 19) - shall i bother getting up today? - 20) - or live the life of proust? keep to the life lamentable and go back to sleep? - 21) - and it's coleridge's birthday so i do some drugs, hallucinate, hitch a ride to porlock, in driving rain - 22) - get back, bad news, cezanne, unfortunately, dead - 23) - i stay in bed, mourning, afternoon, and night - 24) - waiting for the rain to clear... thinking, out the window, i dunno, shall i invade germany, or the usa? - 25) - and picasso born today, does that mean sunshine on its way? out the window, no - 26) - plippety-plop, plippety-plop... whoosh... what a window this is - 27) - obviously a naked woman, her underwear in the hallway and her clothes at the door, in high-heels and a string of pearls for necklace parading around the room for an hour or two would be a welcome addition to the day, but i have to make do witha chemical imagination, which isn't quite the same. i re-read pgymalion, listen to some arvo part, and go to sleep. - 28) - i dunno, shall i decide (?) to be a man of action? starting tomorrow? - 29) - i wait under lamplight on the airport runway. i wait on the station platform and light a second strand - 30) - sisley arrives, schiele departs - high-fives and stars abounding - 31) - keats' birthday but i down the duck and drake with catesby and guido, drinking vino, dreaming of fireworks. yeah, light that fuse...

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[Botticelli - The Birth of Venus]   [Bruegel - The Fall of Icarus]   [Bruegel - The Triumph of Death]